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RISING STARS AFRICA is a project/campaign that has been launched to guide ,provide in information, and groom self awareness among teens and youths on how to reach or score their dream careers and professions. We are going to use talent expressions(having fun) and interactions to communicate to the targeted audience (teens/youths). RISING STARS AFRICA UG has chose  talent expressions and interactions as a technique to reach its message to teens and youths because this technique suits today`s generation(teens/youth are interested in show biz than anything else).RSAU HAS ALSO ACQUIRED A TEENS/YOUTHS TV SHOW THAT WILL BE AIRED OUT EVERY WEEKEND . RISING STARS AFRICA team is going to move in different schools on a weekly basis spreading its message to teens/youths. As the team (RSA) we are to have fun and interactions with the students(teens/youths) and teachers at large. And through the process we are to deliver our message to our targeted audience(teens/youths).   Our messages are going to be based on how to become a star and the things that hinder some one to achieving his or her dream goals. We are going to focus on the following aspects that hinder some one from being a star . Following our slogans i.e "Have a dream_Be yourself_Say no to obstacles" we are going to base our message from there.

Before we go further ,who is a star? According to the definition we came up with, A STAR IS A PERSON SHINING IN HIS/HER CAREER OR PROFESSION. This means a doctor,a lawyer ,a engineer ,a teacher can be a star in his/her respective profession.

 In our first edition  we are planning to start in July this year 2016 up to July next year 2017 moving the all country we are to focus on ;

      Major focused on points

  1.  Alcohol and drug abuse

  2. Stay in school aspect


Highlighting on :


  1. Illuminatism beliefs : this issue has been taken not to be a serious issue but its a serious issue because its has contributed to crime activities like murder in terms of sacrificing for instance JEFF CASE where a youth sacrificed his young brother after being lied by a person who impersonated him self as Jeff kiwa on facebook that he had to kill his young brother to become famous and to join illuminati group. We have taken time and researched about illuminatism and got correct information about that aspect ,that we need to spread this in information to the teens/youths. A SIMPLE REPORT/RESEARCH HAS BEEN INCLUDED I N THE PROPOSAL PDF FILE

  2. STDs 

  3. Homosexuality among others


We have taken time and made a research to get a the best way/medium of counselling and guiding  today`s teens/youths , successfully we got the best technique of using entertainment(talent expressions) and interacting with teens/youths and teachers atlarge through the process. This method is full of excitement(.It’s not like the other boring existing methods)...And it attracts all sorts of teens/youths .

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